About us

Optimize your construction process

Having the right tools is crucial for any job. Just like a construction worker needs their tools, we provide you with the best materials for your projects.

Upgrade to the bitumen and waterproofing tools you deserve.

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A new open world

Work from anywhere with ease using our Cloud service to access your data.

Get the bitumen and waterproofing products you need, when and where you need them.

Explore our products

Ensure the durability of your projects

Tony Fred, CEO of MyCompany

Meet our CFO, Michael Brown.

Mich Stark, COO

Meet our experienced Commercial Director, Sarah Johnson.

Meet our CTO, John Smith.

Meet our iconic CEO, Jane Doe.

Meet our Sales Manager, Emily Davis.

Iris, with her international experience, helps us provide the best products for our clients. She is committed to delivering high-quality materials and taking our company to the next level.